1 November, 2023

Accessible Ayr is an ambitious project to significantly improve the town centre, making it a vibrant and more attractive place for people to visit and enjoy, as well as make it easier to access by pedestrians and cyclists, adjoining other active travel routes.  It is one of a number of projects being promoted by the Council and its partners with the aim of supporting the town centre.

 We held public consultation a year ago and over the course of 2023 the design team has been refining designs and undertaking further consultation with individuals, businesses and organisations.  This is an opportunity for the community to shape the vision for a town centre that balances the needs of all users; you can still drive to the town centre but cycling and walking to and around the town centre will be safer and more attractive.

South Ayrshire Council  advise you that a second round of consultation for Accessible Ayr will run from 6th November – 4th December 2023 with in person drop in events being held on Thursday 9th November from 2pm until 7pm and on Saturday 11 November from 12 noon until 4pm at Ayr Central Shopping Centre on Skye Square. 

 The plans can also be viewed online from 6th November at  We’d be really grateful if you are able to publicise the consultation amongst your networks and if you use social media you can share our posts

 Accessible Ayr is an ambitious project to significantly improve the town centre, making it a vibrant and more attractive place for people to visit and enjoy, as well as make it easier to access by pedestrians and cyclists, adjoining other active travel routes.  It is one of a number of projects being promoted by the Council and its partners with the aim of supporting the town centre.

 We held public consultation a year ago and over the course of 2023 the design team has been refining designs and undertaking further consultation with individuals, businesses and organisations.  This is an opportunity for the community to shape the vision for a town centre that balances the needs of all users; you can still drive to the town centre but cycling and walking to and around the town centre will be safer and more attractive.