Subject: Funding Alert 2023/24 – Locality Planning Partnership- Please see images and click on purple links for more information. Deadline extended to Friday 17th November !

3 November, 2023

EOI Application Guidance Notes Oct 23 Expression of Interest Form

This year, the South Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership Locality Planning Partnerships are going to be distributing their funding via Participatory Budgeting events that will take place in February and March 2024.  If you are part of a community group, 3rd sector organisation or charity that would like to apply for funding, we are now accepting Expression of Interest forms.

These forms will be assessed by a sub-group and your project may be invited to submit a full application form. Groups can apply for funding from £500 up to £3000.

The Expression of Interest form (EOI) is attached along with the guidance notes.  Please return EOI forms to, confirming which locality area you are applying to by Friday 17th November 2023.

Your project must benefit the locality and align with at least one of the priorities – details of locality priorities are on attached Locality Priorities document.  Please complete the EOI form in full and get in touch if you have any queries.