Troon households have been issued with a Ballot Paper and return envelope for the Community Council by-election
Please find below statements from the five applicants applying for the four vacant posts

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Conservation Volunteers are offering groups in South Ayrshire FREE Citizen Science workshops in March 2024

Please see attached opportunity that The Conservation Volunteers are offering groups in South Ayrshire, to deliver FREE Citizen Science workshops. The workshop would last around 3 hours and would be delivered by Alex Paterson, who would provide an introduction to Citizen Science, followed by an activity, then going outdoors to record species. This activity can be incorporated into a health walk, if preferred. 


Alex has the following dates available 

  • 15th March
  • 22nd March
  • 27th March (afternoon only)
  • 28th of March


If you would like to take up this opportunity, please contact Alex directly on as soon as possible. 

Citizens Science TCV workshops


Troon Community Council invites Senior and Junior entries for this years Civic Award 2024. Nominations in by 29/02/24

Troon Community Council invites entries for this years Civic Award. The Guidelines are attached below.

For the first time TCC are also opening up a junior category, aimed at a Young Person (under 18), who has shown initiative in assisting the community, caring for people, promoting charitable causes etc over the past year.

Nominations in writing to the TCC Chair, Frances Carson, Troon Council Chambers, 8 South Beach, Troon KA10 6EF  by 29/2/24.

The Award shall be made annually for meritorious services for the benefit of
the Community of Troon, in any field of endeavour or activity
To be eligible for the Award, the Nominee must be a Resident in the Troon
Ward of South Ayrshire
Any Adult or established Organisation may submit a Nomination in writing,
with reasons for the Nomination
Each Nominee must have Written Signatures from the Proposer and
Seconder, and they must be residents of the Troon Ward of South Ayrshire,
excluding members of Troon Community Council
5. Applications should be no longer than 250 words
6. No person can propose or second more than one application
In the event of no Nominations being received, members of Troon Community
Council will be allowed to make Nominations
Troon Community Council members cannot be nominated for the Award while
serving on the Community Council
The Recipient of the Award will be decided by the members of Troon
Community Council
Troon Community Council may, at its discretion, withhold the Award in any
one year
The decision of Troon Community Council will be final

Beat the Street is starting in South Ayrshire on 14th February 2024.

The attached presentation and leaflet contains information about the game which aims to encourage physical activity and active travel, reducing sedentary behaviour. The presentation lists areas of South Ayrshire which are taking part, and where game cards can be collected.

Please note that the areas taking part cover Ayr North and South, Prestwick, Troon & villages, but not North and South Carrick.

BTS South Ayrshire A5 Leaflet St2


Troon Community Council invites Senior and Junior entries for this years Civic Award 2024. Nominations in by 29/02/24

Troon Community Council invites entries for this years Civic Award. The Guidelines are attached below.

For the first time TCC are also opening up a junior category, aimed at a Young Person (under 18), who has shown initiative in assisting the community, caring for people, promoting charitable causes etc over the past year.

Nominations in writing to the TCC Chair, Frances Carson, Troon Council Chambers, 8 South Beach, Troon KA10 6EF  by 29/2/24.

The Award shall be made annually for meritorious services for the benefit of
the Community of Troon, in any field of endeavour or activity
To be eligible for the Award, the Nominee must be a Resident in the Troon
Ward of South Ayrshire
Any Adult or established Organisation may submit a Nomination in writing,
with reasons for the Nomination
Each Nominee must have Written Signatures from the Proposer and
Seconder, and they must be residents of the Troon Ward of South Ayrshire,
excluding members of Troon Community Council
5. Applications should be no longer than 250 words
6. No person can propose or second more than one application
In the event of no Nominations being received, members of Troon Community
Council will be allowed to make Nominations
Troon Community Council members cannot be nominated for the Award while
serving on the Community Council
The Recipient of the Award will be decided by the members of Troon
Community Council
Troon Community Council may, at its discretion, withhold the Award in any
one year
The decision of Troon Community Council will be final